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About the Googong Hogs

The Googong Hogs are a community based club that encourages people from all walks of life to play Footy, Netball or Basketball, regardless of skill level and experience. While we are driven to be a successful club both on and off the field/court, the Hogs highly value the social aspect of playing sport.


Formed in 1976, originally under the auspices of the Combined Services Club, the Harman Australian Football Club boasted a proud Navy and defence tradition of being the only defence based club in the ACT offering opportunities to defence personnel, regardless of rank, and civilians to play football in an egalitarian environment.


At the conclusion of the 2015 season, a nearly unanimous vote passed to change the name of the Harman Australian Football Club to the Googong Australian Football Club and to move our base of operations and home ground to the newly constructed Rockley Oval in Googong.

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